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罗惟文,1984年2月,博士研究生, 英语系讲师;博士毕业于韩国国立庆尚大学英语语言文学专业,硕士毕业于韩国国立庆尚大学英语语言文学专业;本科毕业于鞍山师范学院英语师范专业;入选云南省海外高层次人才引进计划青年人才专项。






1. 主持科研项目英美酷儿理论戏剧分析

2. 参与国家社科基金项目:白族方块文字字库建设与研究

3. 学术论文发表3篇。




题目:A Foucauldian Study of Non-Heterosexuality in Queer Dramas

提要:This dissertation proposes to give a Foucauldian study to the stories of some non-heterosexual characters in queer dramas. Foucault’s objective is to deal with three modes of objectification which transform human beings into subjects. The three modes are “scientific classification,” “dividing practices” and “subjectification.” Scientific classification, through the discourses of science, sets the principles of naming and classifying things. One of the principles argued in the dissertation is that the practice of naming and classifying is set in a heterosexual context. It is to say the society where every individual lives has been constructed into a heterosexual community. Dividing practices aim to separate and correct any individual that stands outside of his nature. In the discourses of subjectification, homosexuality is believed to be against the nature to human being. Therefore, it becomes the object to be separated and corrected according to the discourses that work to objectify the human subject. Another significant argument in this dissertation is that family plays an important role to carry out the practice of separation and surveillance. The stories of the queer dramas support vivid pictures of how their lives are being oppressed and negatively influenced by the discourses. It is also seen that through their efforts to find ways to live in the heterosexual order, the homosexual are writing their own history by their body.